Personalizing Handmade Masterpieces: Custom Soap Stamping at Savon Du Liban & More


At Savon Du Liban & More, a Lebanon-based boutique soap company, the magic of custom soap stamping transforms natural handmade soap into unique works of art. This personalized service allows customers to add special touches, such as sentimental phrases or logos, creating one-of-a-kind masterpieces. Let's explore the enchanting world of Savon Du Liban & More and the artistry behind their custom soap stamping.

Embracing Personalization

Savon Du Liban & More's commitment to traditional soap making with natural ingredients sets them apart. Our custom soap stamping service allows customers to infuse their soap with individuality, making it perfect for gifts or personal indulgence.

Endless Possibilities

The possibilities for stamped designs are limitless. Customers can choose heartfelt messages, motivational quotes, or even company logos. Savon Du Liban & More brings these visions to life with creativity and skill.

The Process: From Imagination to Reality

Customers work closely with us to refine their ideas; they either send their own design or ask for our help to craft digital artwork for approval. The soap is then meticulously handmade and stamped, resulting in exquisite creations.

Culture and Heritage

Beyond its artistic appeal, Savon Du Liban & More represents Lebanon's rich cultural heritage. Each soap is a tribute to the country's craftsmanship, making them more than just soap - they're cherished pieces of art.


Savon Du Liban & More's custom soap stamping elevates natural handmade soap to unparalleled heights of individuality and beauty. By embracing the art of personalized soap, customers become part of a story that celebrates tradition, creativity, and sustainability. Let your imagination soar and create a masterpiece that tells your unique story with our custom soap stamping service.

Get in touch with us on +961 71 770 872 (WhatsApp) or through the online chat channels, or email

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